March 7, 2012

Do you

How can you expect someone to get you off if you can't even get yourself off?  Well I actually know someone who could... and did.  For the rest of us, get to know yourself.
I've often said that you shouldn't change yourself for someone, minor adjustments yes, but you should do things for yourself and not for someone else.
Case in point, I got a new wardrobe, abstained from getting off, removed all unwanted hair, worked out, worked my skin till it was soft with sweet smelling oils, and went out of my way to look nice and go to this guy.  Well guess what, it didn't work out.
The good thing is that it got me realizing how much I've let myself go (not that my stomach protrudes or anything, I've just rested on my laurels) and just haven't cared.  Before I met up with the guy, I went bar hopping and noticed an increase in the amount of attention and pick up lines I garnered.  Needless to say... she's back.  So girls, lock up your boyfriends, or you may feel a little upset when you see him hitting on me.

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