December 2, 2011


      Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the lives of the college elite.  Spotted: new girl officially joining the movers and shaker's for drinks.

     By seeing what I have rejected (those whom I actually might surprisingly have more in common with than I thought) in this manner, I realize perhaps I judged them to harshly, or perhaps I'm turning into a snob.  Either way, I'm giving this another chance to disprove my previous notion about those with deep pockets.  It's nice to be able to share that side of myself that I have to keep hidden away from some of my other friends because of the lack of similar experience.  I think I would have to keep a different side of myself hidden if I were to only hang out with this group, so a combination of the two may prove to be more ideal.  Finding the golden mean is usually best.

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